NDSC is New and Improved!

We are delighted to announce recent improvements to the Neighborhood Data for Social Change platform (NDSC). The Neighborhood Data for Social Change platform is now powered by Microsoft’s industry-leading cloud technology. Thanks to Microsoft and the developers at Slalom, this migration makes the NDSC you already know faster, more accurate, and more intuitive. 

The spirit of NDSC will always remain the same: a free, publicly available online resource for civic actors to learn about their communities. It will continue to help tell the stories of L.A. neighborhoods through maps, charts, data analysis, and storytelling, helping community stakeholders track measurable change, improve local policies and programs, and ultimately advocate for a better quality of life within their communities.
All of what you love about NDSC remains the same, but with improved functionality and user experience. If you already knew how to use NDSC, you will still know how to use it. No new training is required.
As a result of this update, users will now enjoy key benefits:
  • Easily compare your customized data with county averages
  • Easily share your findings with colleagues through our easy-to-use print function
  • Seamlessly create or sign in to your NDSC account through Facebook, E-mail, or Microsoft account
  • Data stories are better than ever with enhanced user functionality. Flip through relevant charts, and stories for more robust research!
  • View more timely and accurate data based on the newly added 2020 census tracts
Some important things to note for on-going users:
  • Users will need to create a new account for NDSC once the migration has occurred
  • Users will also need to recreate any custom neighborhoods on the current iteration of NDSC.
  • The NDSC web address, maps, and data will remain entirely the same
For any questions, please email Elly Schoen at ebschoen@price.usc.edu.

About NDSC

Neighborhood Data for Social Change (NDSC) provides civic actors the tools they need to advocate for a better quality of life within their communities.

Neighborhood Data for Social Change (NDSC) is a project within the USC Lusk Center for Real Estate focused on using data to help local civic actors track measurable change, improve local policies and programs, and ultimately advocate for a better quality of life within their communities. The project includes a free, publicly available online resource that helps tell the stories of L.A. neighborhoods through maps, charts and storytelling, as well as a suite of customizable data services for local civic actors.


Learn to use NDSC through:


Explore information about Los Angeles County across ten policy areas through the interactive map.

Read data stories that illuminate trends across Los Angeles County neighborhoods using rich narrative, interactive visualizations, and beautiful photos.

Learn more about the data used across the site, where it came from, and why it’s to measure.

Attend a free, community training workshop for the NDSC platform.

For additional information about NDSC, please contact Elly Schoen, Data & Project Manager, at ebschoen@usc.edu

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