Celebrating 10 Years of SLATE-Z
Celebrating 10 Years of SLATE-Z A Legacy of Cultural Richness South Los Angeles has long been a place of cultural vibrancy, tracing its roots to
Variable Definitions:
CRA Loan Count: The number of CRA loans granted to small businesses in a given area
CRA Loan Amount: The total dollar amount of CRA loans granted to small businesses in a given area
SBA 7a Loan Count: The number of SBA 7a loans granted to small businesses in a given area
SBA 7a Loan Amount: The total dollar amount of SBA 7a loans granted to small businesses in a given area
SBA 504 Loan Count: The number of SBA 504 loans granted to small businesses in a given area
SBA 504 Loan Amount: The total dollar amount of SBA 504 loans granted to small businesses in a given area
CRA Loans: Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council
7a & 504 Loans: Small Business Administration
Years Available:
2012 – 2022
Methodology Note:
The CRA Loan data comes at the census tract level. SBA Loan data comes at comes at the point level. Our team geocoded the locations to generate X/Y coordinates, then spatial joined each point to 2020 Census Tracts. CRA and SBA data is then collapsed at the census tract level and merged into one dataset for publishing.
Small business loans are an important tool to measure how local entrepreneurs can access the funds to support their businesses. Loan counts describe the number of loans awarded, while loan amounts describe the total dollar amount of loans granted. SBA 7a, SBA 504, and CRA loans are three options for financing small businesses. For businesses to apply for SBA loans, they can navigate the SBA website to locate lenders within their zip code, and lenders decide to approve or deny the loan.
Understanding the number of small business loans that are rewarded in a given area can help local governments identify regions that could use more economic stimulus. Businesses access these loans according to which lenders are nearby; therefore, loan counts and access to this capital can indicate a neighborhood’s access to financial institutions, which tend to be concentrated in higher income areas. Small business loans have also been integral to the economic stability of small businesses during times of financial need, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. With the monetary support to purchase supplies and finance property, businesses can remain afloat and avoid bankruptcy (See PPP Loans). Strengthening small businesses is part of the larger effort to foster local economies and keep communities together.
Historically, financial institutions are concentrated in higher income areas due to redlining — a discriminatory practice that withholds financial services from neighborhoods that are significantly populated by racial and ethnic minorities. This continues to present challenges for small businesses in low-income and historically redlined areas today.
Written by Rediet Retta
7(a) Loans. (n.d.). 7(A) Loans. https://www.sba.gov/funding-programs/loans/7a-loans
504 Loans. (n.d.). 504 Loans. https://www.sba.gov/funding-programs/loans/504-loans
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. (2018). Federal Reserve Board – Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. https://www.federalreserve.gov/consumerscommunities/cra_about.htm
Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). (n.d.). https://www.fdic.gov/regulations/resources/director/presentations/cra.pdf
Lender Match helps you find lenders. (n.d.). Lender Match Helps You Find Lenders. https://www.sba.gov/funding-programs/loans/lender-match
SBA 504 Loan Requirements | SBA 504 Loans. (n.d.). Sba504.Loans. Retrieved July 18, 2024, from https://sba504.loans/loan-requirements/
SBA 504 vs 7a Comparison | SBA Commercial Real Estate Loan. (n.d.). CDC Small Business. https://cdcloans.com/504-vs-7a/
Celebrating 10 Years of SLATE-Z A Legacy of Cultural Richness South Los Angeles has long been a place of cultural vibrancy, tracing its roots to
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